Sunday, April 15, 2007

WHY A NEW BLOG??? (or . . . What's in a Name)

If I go into explaining where Ive been, or what the hell happened to me for . . . (calculating here) . . . eight months(!), I'll never start this new blog, which I am commited to. Or at least, I am commited to being commited to. I am fighting some major perfectionistic-thus procrastinative (new word) tendencies here, so please, kind folk, be patient. You always have been, so I'll just stop that train right now. This is me starting. Now this is me going to sleep, promising to continue in the morning. ;~)


Honi said...

YAY U DID IT >> YOU POSTED>> CHEERS>> WHOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO>> ROCK ON SISTER>> YAY>> . okay was that a little too dramatic... uhmmm okay.. well YAY... I will link you to my blog.. and check u frequently for updates.. I think blogging really helps keep u going.. and stay motivated..

Coco said...

That was just PERFECTLY dramatic!!!
Thanks, Honi, you really did motivate me, and I absolutely think this is what I need to do now . . . right now . . . or in just a little while . . . But, really, thank you. :~)