Wednesday, April 18, 2007


(This is for HoniB and FatMom, my personal coaches, though they may not know it . . . I'll let you all know if their letters of resignation appear anytime soon!)

Like exercise, blogging requires discipline, yet another one of my muscles which has turned to mush. I am in the midst of one of my infamous PMS-induced migraines, this one lasting two days so far, so I'm only writing to build the habit. Maybe doing so will help me build other good habits? (soooo many to choose from . . .)

Migraines are a bitch-and-a-half, though, aren't they? Like a really bad flu + really bad hangover + two-ton truck driving over you . . . then backing up, and doing it again . . . and then once more, for good measure. Yes, yes . . . I know, I know . . . if I were taking better care of myself, eating properly, exercising, meditating, making sleep a priority, "Loving Myself", I might not be in pain right now. Also, if my COBRA insurance had kicked in and I didn't have to pay $311.00 for NINE(9) Imitrex pills (yes, my friends, that's about $35 per cute little triangular pill!), I would also be out of my misery. (BTW, who do these drug companies think they are? I mean, I know they're in with the devil, but . . . do they? Someone should tell them! What about all those folks who can't afford life-sustaining-type meds? I know there are so-called 'programs,' but i don't trust a word that comes out of the pharmacetical industry's a$$ . . . uh, mouth. It's like all those tobacco websites telling you how to quit smoking or keeping your kids from ever starting . . .bah!!!)

OK . . . I believe that was a tangent . . . but the point is, I am exercising the 'blog' muscle, right? RIGHT??? C'mon, folks, I'm an only child . . . I neeeeed the positive strokes.

I do want to mention that Denise ( ) got married last Friday, so, if you 'know' her, or even if you don't, drop her a line.

Also, please send out your support to HoniB( and FatMom(, both of whom are embarking on exercise programs today, and next week, respectively. They ROCK!!!

Well, kids, I'll write more when the demon beast leaves my body . . . Thanks for listening to me gripe!

P.S. I know I sound like I'm scoffing at the 'love yourself' thing, but I'm not . . . just not good at it yet . . . something to explore, most def.

1 comment:

Honi said...

OHH rats.. you shamed me... sniff sniff.. I did not do what I said.. I got home from work.. Steve was pooped and so was I .. We worked on the house a bit.. then decided we would start next week. We have company this weekend.. Then last night we were cleaning some more .. and find out the Microwave died. the 3.5 year old over the stove GE PROFILE microwave heating element is fried.. good thing is the part is under warranty for 10 years.. bad thing is .. it will still cost 69.95 for the service call.. and God knows what for the cost of labor.. BUT HEY THE PART IS FREE.. I can tell you this.. if the labor and service cost add up to the cost of a new microwave.. we will get a new one. Can not believe this on something this new.. you know.. okay enough rambling about that... Glad you are exercising your blogging muscles and especially with a miagraine headache those things suck... Love your post and I appreciate the support VERY VERY VERY VERY much!!.. Have a rockin' good weekend...